Election of Executive Members

If you want to promote Aboriginal perspectives in the classroom and community and have the ideas and time to help make it happen.
Consider becoming a member of the Council of the Aboriginal Circle of Educators.
We are looking for people committed to moving the organization forward. You need to be:
can be found here
Current By-Laws can be found HERE
Consider becoming a member of the Council of the Aboriginal Circle of Educators.
We are looking for people committed to moving the organization forward. You need to be:
- A Current ACE member in good standing as of January 10, 2021
- Able to attend monthly meetings during the school year, either in person, by phone or SKYPE [ace.ed1]
- [the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:15pm]
- Able to participate on a Committee:
- Call to Action Ad Hoc
- Conference
- Cultural Workshop
- Executive
- Call to Action Ad Hoc
can be found here
Current By-Laws can be found HERE