Keynote: Dr. Myra Laramee
Reconciliation Today, Dr. Mary LeMaitre
Land-Based Learning, Ken McCorkle, Paul LaRoque
The Turtle and The Rabbit, Sarah Gazan
Mandela, Lita Fontaine
Sustaining Traditional Life, Levinia Brown
From the Inside, Wanbdi Wakita
Blanket Exercise, Carin Crowe, KAIROS
Mandela, Lita Fontaine
Keynote: Leah Gazan
Positive Pathways: Using Literacy Strategies to Build Resiliency in Early Childhood, Nancy Tovell
Play is the Universal Language, Debra Mayer, Tania Munroe
An Introduction to Using Jump Math Effectively for ALL Students, Liz Barrett
Indigenous Perspectives in FASD Youth and Adults, Debbie Ceilen
Treaty Reconciliation Tools, TBAC
Building Strong Relationships with Indigenous Students: Reconciliation and the Classroom, Tania Munroe
Nine Essential Skills, a Métis Perspective, TBC
Integrating a Trauma –Sensitive Perspective, Louise Duncan, Kim Mackey