Dr. Myra Laramee will be facilitating "Circle of Learning" Workshop, Saturday, January 17, 2021 at the Circle of Life Thunderbird House, 715 Main Street.
Doors open at 9 am, with time to meet and mingle before we start at 9:30.
Resources, lunch and health breaks are are included in the $75 cost {Just $50 if you are an A.C.E. Member]
You will find the registration form [with a membership form included] and a Workshop Poster attached.
Feel free to circulate through your networks and register soon as space is limited!
And if that wasn't enough...
With the focus on all kinds of Literacy and great Presenters how could it be any thing less than amazing!!!
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And if THAT'S not enough......
The A.C.E. Education Banquet is filled to the brim with deserving recipients.
You can find the list of recipients here
And can reserve your seat by completing the form here.